When several thousand summer jobs were canceled last year due to the pandemic, the City of Stockholm went out with a procurement, which meant that Fryshuset together with several partners could offer 1000 young people in the Stockholm area summer jobs. The City of Stockholm is now implementing the initiative again and Fryshuset can therefore, together with several partners, once again offer a total of 1,000 young people meaningful employment this summer.
The goal of the summer jobs is that it will give young people useful knowledge in working life, and strengthen their skills. The workplaces are in Fryshuset's premises in Stockholm and also different suburbal areas in Stockholm. The first group of 333 young people started on Monday 14 June. Each work period lasts three weeks and a total of three periods are carried out during the summer.
- We saw that last year's activities and tasks were much appreciated by the participants. This year we will therefore offer similar tasks divided into three blocks; there will be urban cultivation, painting work, work in commercial kitchens and local security-promoting work, but also work life knowledge. The young people work for a week within each block and then change. This allows them to try on several different things during the three weeks they work. We hope that this approach will give all young people who participate an inspiring and meaningful summer, says Ali Gaher, project manager from Fryshuset.
The summer jobs at Fryshuset are arranged in collaboration between Fryshuset and several partners on behalf of the City of Stockholm, which is the main financier of the project. One of the financiers is Länsförsäkringar Stockholm. Other partners are ABF, Rosendals Trädgård, Rölunda Gård, Skärholmen Centrum, Stockholm City Sports Administration and Xter Logistics.
The content under the theoretical part is arranged with the support of the Swedish Armed Forces, Swedbank, and Fryshuset's operations Powerhouse, Liv1 Produktion and Non-Silence Generation. Courses are arranged in collaboration with several unions within LO, Unionen and Akademikerförbundet SSR, such as LO-förbunden IF Metall and Musikerförbundet.
- We see that many young people have been negatively affected by the pandemic. Many people feel that they are missing important milestones in their lives, and they are worried that they risk falling behind both in terms of studies and work. Being able to offer young people summer jobs and employment this summer is also a high-priority issue for us and I am glad that we can implement this initiative again, together with our partners, says Johan Oljeqvist, CEO of Fryshuset.