The project gathers 11 partners from 10 countries around Europe with expertise in working with diverse groups of youngsters from disadvantaged and marginalised areas and providing space for their participation. The coordinating partner is Youth for Exchange and Understanding, based in Belgium.
At the local level, the partners around Europe (north: Sweden, Estonia; west: Germany; central: Slovakia, Slovenia; south: North Macedonia, Italy, Portugal, Greece) will work with youth in disadvantaged neighbourhoods – those young people who feel invisible, unheard or unloved, with no hope for the future and no tools to influence their own development or the development of their communities.
At the European level, OBESSU and YEU will voice up young people from schools, youth organisations and informal groups. By communicating youngsters' needs and passions to decision-makers, they will be involved in the development of new tools and approaches to make young people more active, visible and heard around Europe.