I am Valentin, I am 21 years old, and I come from the small town of Altenburg in Thüringen. I think that the international exchanges with the international partners were central to learn what challenges to address at the moment.
We also have not so small challenges now here in Germany with what has to do with marginalization, with migration, with discrimination against different groups of people. But I have the feeling that these groups have next-level difficulties. They must face quite critical problems. That was for me a very formative experience. I think the nicest, most exciting moment was when a 12-year-old girl spoke about her ideas for the development of her village and she knew concretely what she wanted. That was very cool.
The objective of the project is to bring together people that didn’t know each other before, to deconstruct stereotypes about these people and to strengthen each other in order to make the world a little better. So what helped me a lot is to learn how to organize a monthly project, to organize events as a team, and I am really glad about that.